
Shanta Driver
UEAALDF National Director
UEAALDF's National Director, Shanta Driver,
has been organizing for civil rights for the last 25 years. She graduated
in Psychology and Social Relations from Harvard in 1975, and graduated
from Wayne State University Law School in 2002. Ms. Driver is currently an
attorney at Scheff and Washington, a leading Detroit civil rights and
labor law firm.
Ms. Driver directed the successful student-intervenor
defense in Grutter v Bollinger, the University of Michigan Law
School affirmative action case. Relying on many of the arguments presented
by the student defendants, the Supreme Court, in a historic victory for
affirmative action and integration, ruled to uphold affirmative action at
the University of Michigan Law School. Building on the recent Supreme
Court victory, UEAALDF is now developing a legal challenge to California’s
anti-affirmative action constitutional amendment, Proposition 209, while
preparing challenges to Ward Connerly’s campaign to overturn the Supreme
Court’s decision through state ballot initiatives.
Ms. Driver is also the national spokesperson for
the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Fight for
Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). BAMN spearheaded the organizing of
the 50,000 person March on Washington to Defend Affirmative Action and
Save Brown v Board of Education on April 1, 2003. This march was
the most integrated march ever in the history of this nation. BAMN is
currently organizing a national campaign to defeat Ward Connerly’s attempt
to reverse the civil rights movement’s victory in Grutter v Bollinger.
Donna Stern Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator

Donna Stern
serves as an administrator, treasurer and fundraising coordinator for
UEAALDF and worked as a paralegal on the student intervenors' legal team
during the Grutter trial. A long-time political and union activist,
she has worked as a unit clerk at the Detroit Medical Center for 20 years,
where she has led campaigns against racist and sexist discrimination in
the workplace, fought for democracy and membership control within her
union, and has been a strong advocate for workers rights on the job.