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Donations can also be made by mail. Send check or money order made out to "United for Equality and Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund":
United for Equality and Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund P.O. Box 24462 Kensington Station Detroit, Michigan 48224
For questions or more information, contact Donna Stern, UEAA - 313-526-9023;
Frequent flier miles: We are also looking for donations of frequent flier miles to be used for travel for speaking engagements, organizing trips, etc. Please contact Donna Stern at 313-526-9023.
Contributors to UEAA:
Kellogg Foundation Detroit Federation of Teachers The Ford Foundation The Impact Fund California Federation of Teachers Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Southern Poverty Law Center Volunteers for Affirmative Action (Flint) Michigan Federation of Teachers Judge Gregory Mathis Inner City Miracle Law Students for Affirmative Action Center for Constitutional Rights Citizens for Affirmative Action’s Preservation San Francisco Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO AFSCME Local 312 (DOT) UAW International Michigan AFLCIO Judge Greg Mathis UAW Local 6000 Buck Dinner (Fund for Equal Justice) International Longshoremen’s Assoc. Local 1414 Movement For Justice SEIU Local 79 Bowling Green State University (several departments) Michigan Education Association Committee to Elect Sharon McPhail AFSCME Local 207 (Public Workers) SEIU Local 790 Oakland Education Association Steelecase Inc. Women Law Students Association Laborer’s International Union Local: 645 SEIU Local 535 Michigan Human Right Campaign United Steel Workers of America Local 295 Steve Conn & Heather Miller Dr. Melvin Murphy Wilma Chan, California State Assembly Majority Leader United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) Amalgamated Transit Union Local 192 (AC Transit workers, Oakland, CA)