Legal pleadings in the the University of Michigan Law School affirmative action case, Grutter v. Bollinger: See University of Michigan website page on Grutter v. Bollinger


Link to the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action & Integration and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary - BAMN, one of the three intervening civil rights organizations in Grutter v. Bollinger

The Trial in Federal District Court: January/February 2001, Detroit, MI

"Trial Outline" - a one-page summary/guide to the trial testimony
(PDF file)

Transcript of Gruttter v. Bollinger trial in Federal District Court  (plaintext format)

What follows is the full transcript of the 15-day Grutter v. Bollinger trial. Taken in its entirety, the transcript reveals the breadth and depth of the defense of affirmative action at the University of Michigan Law School launched by the intervening student defendants in this historic trial.

The student defendants presented the strongest, most legally and sociologically comprehensive defense of affirmative action ever in the history of affirmative action litigation. Our groundbreaking case was not only the most rigorous legal defense ever made of affirmative action, it was also the broadest, most comprehensive exposition of race and racism ever put forward in an American court. We put racism and social inequality on trial.

Day 1 - Jan. 16, 2001 - Opening arguments; Stillwagon; Munzel
Day 2 - Jan. 17, 2001 - Larntz
Day 3 - Jan. 18, 2001 - Larntz; Motions; Bollinger; Lempert
Day 4 - Jan. 19, 2001 - Raudenbush; Shields
Day 5 - Jan. 22, 2001 - Syverud; Lehman
Day 6 - Jan. 23, 2001 - Dowdell; Orfield
Day 7 - Jan. 24, 2001 - Franklin; Rosner
Day 8 - Feb. 6, 2001 - Shapiro; Rosner; Escobar
Day 9 - Feb. 7, 2001 - James; Allen
Day 10 - Feb. 8, 2001 - Allen; Garcia; Foner
Day 11 - Feb. 9, 2001 - Garcia; White
Day 12 - Feb. 10, 2001 - Arguments; Larntz
Day 13 - Feb. 12, 2001 - Raudenbush; Wu; Smith
Day 14 - Feb. 15, 2001 - Lempert; Kappner
Day 15 - Feb. 16, 2001 - Closing arguments

Victory at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Transcript of Court of Appeals argument (PDF file) by Miranda Massie, UEAA lead attorney for the student defendants in Grutter v. Bollinger